Welcome to the NPI Newsletter!
This is an outreach to keep the networking community aware of NPI innovations, events, news, publications, and other services to the community by NPI faculty, students, and partners.
Upcoming Events
NPI Webinar - Thursday, September 26 @ 2:30pm EDT
This webinar features Dr. Mina Arashloo - “Enabling Programmable Transport Protocols in High Speed NICs”. Mina is the 2019 recipient of the Cornell Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. She researches programmable networks in the computer science department of Cornell University, working with Nate Foster and Rachit Agarwal. Her research focuses on software defined networks and programmable data planes. Prior to Cornell, she received her PhD degree at Princeton University advised by Jennifer Rexford. Please register here to reserve your spot and receive the Zoom URL.
Wide-Area Data Analytics - October 3-4, Washington DC
This CRA/CCC Workshop is organized by NPI professors Jennifer Rexford (Princeton) and Rachit Agarwal (Cornell). It brings together several experts of the computer science research community who are exploring how to perform wide-area data analysis, including researchers and practitioners in the database, networking, distributed systems, and storage fields.
NPI Fall Retreat - Friday, October 11, NYC
The Fall 2019 Retreat will be held on Friday, October 11, 2019 in the Tata Innovation Center at the Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island in NYC. Seating is limited with preferred access to employees of NPI Sponsors. Please register here to apply to attend.
In addition to talks by NPI sponsors, faculty, postdocs and students, we are delighted to host a keynote “Democratizing the Network Edge” by our colleague Larry Peterson, CTO of the Open Networking Foundation and the Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science, Emeritus at Princeton University, where he served as Chair from 2003-2009. Professor Peterson is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE, the 2010 recipient of the IEEE Kobayashi Computer and Communication Award, and the 2013 recipient of the ACM SIGCOMM Award.
Please check our events page for more details and updates to the Retreat agenda.
SIGCOMM 2019 - August 19-24 - Beijing
Many members of the Network Programming Initiative attended SIGCOMM ’19. The following papers were presented by NPI researchers:
- “Elmo: Source-Routed Multicast for Public Clouds.” August 2019. In ACM SIGCOMM.
- “Fast, Scalable Programmable Packet Scheduler in Hardware.” August 2019. In ACM SIGCOMM.
- “HPCC: High Precision Congestion Control.” August 2019. In ACM SIGCOMM.
- “Neural Packet Classification.” August 2019. In ACM SIGCOMM.
- “PicNIC: Predictable Virtualized NIC.” August 2019. In ACM SIGCOMM. Best Student Paper Award.
Other news:
- NPI Alumni Ryan Beckett (now at MSR) and Arpit Gupta (now faculty at UCSB) won SIGCOMM Dissertation Award and Runner-Up, respectively.
- NPI Co-Director Jen Rexford served on the 50-year anniversary panel, as well as on the steering committee of the NetAI Workshop, and keynoted at the Alibaba Workshop.
The Workshop on Foundations of Routing was conducted at Cornell University on June 19-20. A common objective in many computer networks is to balance traffic across multiple paths in order to improve throughput, reduce congestion, and achieve higher utilization. But while there is an extensive theoretical literature on how best to route traffic through a capacitated network, many networks today rely on schemes that are easy to implement, but do not perform well in practice. This workshop bought together leading researchers and industrial practitioners from the theory and networking communities to discuss recent successes and future challenges related to routing.